Yesterday Governor Christie went on one of his cursing rants blaming President Obama for HIS FELLOW Tea Partied Republican Grover Pledgers’ shut down of Super Committee negotiations over refusing to NOT extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. During his rant, Governor Christie questioned the President’s “leadership” and asked the questions, “What the h-ll is he being paid for?” and “What have you (President Obama) been doing exactly?”
Thank you for asking Governor Christie. Here are just a FEW of the things President Obama has been doing “EXACTLY”: • Leading the fight for the economic stability of the middle class. • Leading the fight for job creation. • Leading the deflection of a full blown economic depression. • Leading the confirmation of the FIRST HISPANIC Supreme Court Justice despite the fact that NONE of YOUR Tea Partied Republican Congressional partners voted for her. • On a year to year ratio, creating more jobs in THREE YEARS then were created throughout 6 YEARS of YOUR FELLOW Republican Grover Pledgers’ UNFUNDED tax cuts for corporate “job creators”(???) during the Bush/Republican-dominated Congressional era. • Leading the passage of quality, affordable health care coverage for 15 MILLION uninsured Americans – the FIRST President to accomplish that feat since Presidents Kennedy’s, Johnson’s and Clinton’s fight to accomplish the same. • Leading the military initiative to dispose of Osama Bin Laden. • Leading a ‘FIRST TIME IN HISTORY’ international coalition including the Arab League, to SHARE in the costs and military power to dispose of Ghaddafi. • Leading the “most productive Lame Duck Congressional session IN HISTORY” with the passage of DADT, health care coverage for 9/11 first responders, payroll tax cuts for middle class families, the extension of unemployment benefits, JOB CREATION tax incentives for small businesses, increased Medicare coverage for senior citizens, preexisting condition health care coverage for children, the banning of lifetime insurance caps by the health insurance industry, and the elimination of annual limit restrictions by the health care industry.
Let’s review what YOU have been doing, “EXACTLY”, Governor Christie… • Vetoing your State Legislature’s passage of taxing millionaires in less than 2 minutes flat. • Proposing HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of tax breaks for big businesses in your 2012 budget. • Proposing to restructure the tax code to NO LONGER require corporations headquartered in your state to pay income taxes on products sold elsewhere in your 2012 budget. • Cutting 3 BILLION dollars leaving 4,000 New Jersey police officers without a job, leaving the mentally ill without a home after a hospital had to shut down, leaving thousands of women without health clinics to visit, and leaving low income families with half the number of legal aid lawyers. • Canceling $271 million in federal funding for JOB CREATING tunnel construction under the Hudson River. • Eliminating after school education. • Pulling a Governor Walker ‘union busting’ ploy requiring that public worker health care benefits be “legislated” rather than “negotiated”. • Slashing millions from your state’s education funds. • Slashing funding to your state’s property tax rebate program.