Sanders Blasts GE’s Immelt on Jobs
...The Vermont independent says in a statement that the GE chief executive has been outspoken about job growth, “not in the United States but in China.” The Senator notes in his statement that GE has been steadily moving its manufacturing plants overseas. “I hope he changes his mind and focuses on rebuilding the manufacturing sector here in the United States, not in China, and in the process creates millions of good-paying jobs,” the senator said.
Sen. Sanders says that since 2009, General Electric has shuttered more than 25 manufacturing plants in the United States, cutting thousands of jobs, citing as his source the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America.
The senator also says in his statement “GE now employs more workers overseas than it does in the United States,” just as IBM purportedly does. Sen. Sanders adds in his statement that “while GE has laid off at least 10,000 workers in the United States, it has created more than 30,000 jobs in India over the past decade."
And the senator’s statement noted that, during an eight and a half hour speech last month, the senator cited these comments from Immelt made at an investors’ meeting on Dec. 6, 2002: “When I am talking to GE managers, I talk China, China, China, China, China. You need to be there. You need to change the way people talk about it and how they get there. I am a nut on China. Outsourcing from China is going to grow to $5 billion. We are building a tech center in China. Every discussion today has to center on China. The cost basis is extremely attractive.”
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'s views were consistent with those of his predecessors at GE. Former CEO Jack Welch spoke in 2000 of the company's search for cheap labor: "Ideally, we'd have every plant we own on a barge." And Frank Doyle, a former GE executive vice president, was unusually blunt in a 1995 interview when he told BusinessWeek magazine about the company's workforce policies: "We did a lot of violence to the expectations of the American workforce....We downsized. We delayered. And we outsourced."