*ring* *ring* *ring*
Comcast Exec: Hey Joe, I just wanted to fill you in -- we took out Keith
Joe Scum: That's fuckin' fantastic!!!!
Comcast Exec: I know!! It gets better though we're planning on clearing house here soon!
Joe Scum: Wait! Wait! Wait! We're talking primetime, right?
Comcast Exec: Of course you useless dumb bastard!
Joe Scum: Good, I was kinda worried there because my ratings have always been in the shitter.
Comcast Exec: Ha! Like that really matters, we just want MSR--I mean MSNBC to be more bussiness friendly.
Joe Scum: Well, that I can do! You should give me a primetime show, and I'll suck all the corporate ass you want.
Comcast Exec: Sounds good! Sorry to interrupt, just thought you'd be excited by the news.
Joe Scum: No problem *screams away from the phone* Hey Harrold, is Mika still drunk? Okay, you know this was all consensual right? Yeah, you better! *gets back on the phone* I'm back.
Comcast Exec: You're pretty sick Joe -- Anyways, I'll see ya Monday.
Joe Scum: Alright buddy! *click*