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I knew the day Jon Stewart compared him to Beck but not Scarborough Keith was a short timer

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NNN0LHI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-22-11 08:25 AM
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I knew the day Jon Stewart compared him to Beck but not Scarborough Keith was a short timer
I knew from that moment forward everything Beck said or did was going to be compared to Keith Olbermann. Everything. And it was. First thing out of every Beck defenders mouths was, "Well, what about that guy Keith Olbermann?" Wasn't it? Never heard anyone say anything derogatory about MSNBC's golden boy Joe Scarborough though, did you? Not even once.

Ask yourself something. Why did Stewart leave that red faced beady eyed former Republican congressman, who is as bad or worse than any of them, off his hit list that afternoon in Washington DC?

Did you think Jon Stewart just forgot to lump Joe Scarborough in with the rest?

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