Edited on Sat Sep-29-12 06:57 AM by No Elephants
Washinton Week held a town meeting in Missouri. A good part of the discussion was devoted to pinpointing when Romney began losing against Obama.
They concluded it was the conventions--the Democratic convention was better than the Republican convention.
IMO, that is a joke and they know it.
Romney began losing when he ran against Kennedy and Kennedy correctly labeled him "multiple choice."
Massachusetts got it in 1994, but forgot in 2002.
However, "Multiple Choice Mitt" came back to bite Willard when he ran for the nomination in 2008, as did his awful personality--supposedly, all the other Republicans, including McCain, disliked him, beyond the professional rivalry level.
And it came back to bite him again during this run, again, along with his awful personality.
From the $10,000 bet challenge to Romney, to shaming that poor woman about the cookies she offered him, to becoming the butt of jokes from London politicians and Putin, Romney has been a disaster all along.
However, people seem to conflate his personal bank account with insight and competence as to the national economy. Or maybe they simply hoped that someone, anyone, could turn things around faster than Obama. (Even though he did not turn Massachusetts around, people are desperate to believe.)
But then, the Republican convention comes up stunningly tone deaf and unprofessional, rather than sure-footed, competent and successful.
And every time Willard makes another glaring error, he (and/or Lovey) doubles down on it.
Then, there is the concern that the only ones Willard even wants to benefit are the wealthy. And his pick of Ryan, the guy most likely to kill Social Security, only deepens that concern.
Finally, Akins and others are making it abundantly clear how extreme the Republican Party has become.
So, no, it is not some single event that turned off Americans. He didn't start to lose the election after the conventions because he was never winning it. It is that Romney and his campaign keep confirming the fears and concerns that people have had about him all along. That, and people have seen that his performance Bain does not necessarily mean he has any insight into turning around a national and global economy that people much like him destroyed. And I fully believe that Gwen Ifill and her panel know all the above far, far better than I. After all, it's their day job to know it.
The sad thing about the discussion, IMO, was that I saw people in the Missouri audience, especially older ones, leaning forward in their seats, and listening very intently. They looked as though the panel of this Public Broadcast show had "THE" truth and were honestly imparting it to them, instead of giving them professional pundit bs superficial spin about one convention having been better than the other.
On a lighter note, perhaps DU2ers will recall that I have been referring to Ann Romney as "Lovey" in my posts for months? Well, much more recently, the media has begun referring to Willard as "Thurston Howell III. "
I want royalties, damn it!
That is all.