Rachael Maddow listed all the incumbents who have participated in Presidential debates. (There are not that many.)
All but one of the incumbent Presidents was considered to have lost the debate, including Reagan. The one incumbent who was declared a winner of his first debate right after the debate was the platinum-tongued and nit always candid, Clinton, aka Slick Willie.
Some incumbents who lost their first debate, like Reagan, went on to win the election; some, like Ford and Carter, did not.
In a prior post, made before the debate, I stated some reasons for this phenomenon:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=439x2487694Since then, I heard someone from Bloomberg News kind of confirm my statement about the pundits' self-interest. He said something like, "Now I can go home and tell my children that I still have a job until election day." Or words to that effect.
Anyway, there is probably a very significant reason I did not mention in my prior post, one that voters would do very well to keep in mind during campaign season:
The challenger has to defend only his campaign promises, which were carefully tailored to win votes in the first place; the incumbent has to defend his actual performance for the prior 33/4 years and, perhaps worse, how his actual performance measured up to his original campaign promises.
BTW, Obama is funnier than ever on the campaign trail now. It's no longer just Wall Street versus Main Street.
Now, it's Wall Street versus Sesame Street!