But it is time the Republican voters in this country faced the truth.
They say they want a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility. They say they want the Parties to work together. They are dishonest.
Because if they were honest, they would get rid of those Tea Partiers that have vowed to never compromise with this President on anything.
If they were honest about fiscal responsibility, they would not continue to vote for those Senators, Congressmen, and Presidential candidates that sign a pledge to never raise taxes for any purpose. Just yesterday, their candidate for President said he was going to increase spending on our military, some estimate as much as $2 trillion dollars. Not only that, he has hinted that he would go to war with Iran. How would we pay for this?
Also, he has said that he would cut tax rates across the board by 20%, even for the very top. Top economic experts say that would cost us $5 trillion dollars. On top of that, they want to continue the Bush taxcuts. How would we pay for this if every Republican in Washington has signed a pledge to never raise taxes?
It's time to ask for a little honesty from the Republican voters of this country. We cannot survive with such dishonesty from so many people. To their credit, the Democratic Party has never signed a pledge to never make any cuts or never to raise any taxes.
The Obama campaign should not only be taking Mitt Romney to task, but they should be taking to task the dishonest Republican voters also. They cannot handle the truth but it must be told. They are the reason we do not have a balanced budget. Their continuing votes for those folks that sign pledges is the main reason we have such fiscal irresponsibility.