Jill Stein Arrested Before Hofstra Debate, Campaign Reports (VIDEO)
Posted: 10/16/2012 8:02 pm EDT Updated: 10/17/2012 2:30 am EDT
According to Stein's campaign press statement, Stein and running mate Cheri Honkala joined supporters outside the Hofstra campus at 2 p.m., where Stein declared: "We are here to bring the courage of those excluded from our politics to this mock debate, this mockery of democracy." When they started to walk onto the debate grounds, they were stopped by police officers, and then the two women sat down on the ground.
Student-run news organization Long Island Report posted a video of Stein and Honkala sitting, with an officer arguing, "You're blocking traffic." After Honkala stated, "We want to practice our first amendment rights," the police can been seen removing the women from the ground and leading them away.
According to the campaign, Stein and Honkala were then arrested. Press contact Glenn Turner confirmed to HuffPost that Stein was arrested and as of early Tuesday evening was still in jail, charged with disorderly conduct.
Earlier in the day, Stein told Philadelphia Weekly that despite some butterflies in the stomach, "We are prepared to be arrested in the service of democracy and a future that serves us all.”
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/16/hofstra-debate-jill-stein-arrested-green-party_n_1971960.html?utm_hp_ref=elections-2012What? Democracy in Presidential debates? Arrest those women!
Someone has to tell the Republican Party and the Democratic Party that:
(a) the airwaves belong to the people, not to any political party or group of parties or even to the networks.
(b) elections are paid for, and about, voters and taxpayer, not about the Republican Party or the Democratic Party, or both.
BTW, speaking of taxpayer dollars, has the FEC released matching federal campaign funds yet to Dr. Stein and the other third party candidates who qualified to receive them? Or will the FEC wait until January?
Here we sit, screaming about taking private and foreign money out of elections, yet we say nothing when the system behaves this undemocratically and unfairly.
Shame on the FEC, the Administration and the media and shame on us.
Wanna put your mouth where
your money is?
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