You'd think they would have started to catch on by now?
Republican candidate calls aborting rapist's child "more violence on woman's body"
Gee, Sparky, if it's my body, how come guys like you get to decide what do with my body? And how can it be murder of a woman's body if the woman is alive after an abortion?
The race between Koster and DelBene for Washington state's newly drawn first congressional district seat, vacated by Democrat Jay Inslee when he resigned to run for governor, is considered a tossup.
Koster, a former dairy farmer with close affiliations with and support from the Tea Party movement, has lost two previous bids for the U.S. House of Representatives.Koster, Washington State.
Story here: the record, I am pro-life for me and pro-choice for every other woman.
Most of all, I am anti coat hanger and other unsafe illegal abortions that kill young girls and women. Also anti- availability of safe abortions only for those who can afford to travel outside the U.S.
BTW, I never saw anything about abortion in the Bible. Some extrapolate from a verse that speaks of God having numbered the hairs on our heads before we were born, but that assumes that God spoke in riddles. Usually, the Bible attributes a prohibition to God, it's a pretty clear prohibition.
Some claim that "Thou shalt not kill" covers it, but I disagree.
Until the religious right and the political right glommed on to each other to the mutual enrichment of pastors and politicians, there was always a distinction between a fetus and a person after being born alive, including in Biblical times.
Even in the U.S., when laws forbade it, doctors who performed abortions out of fear for the safety of the woman may have been arrested, tried, convicted and jailed as criminals, but no one got life in prison or the electric chair. Nor did the woman get tried as an accessory to murder. And we don't investigate miscarriages to rule out potential murder.