I've been hearing about Obama's great ground game.
No one called me and asked if I needed help getting to the polls.
When I got to the polls, I saw a man and a woman with Brown and Romney signs. After I finished voting and was leaving the polling place, I saw that someone had tied a Warren sign to a pole on the opposite side of the street. Never noticed it on the way in, though.
No Obama sign in sight. Then again, anyone who allows the presence or absence of a sign outside the polling place to decide their vote should stay home anyway. (I will never undertand undecideds.)
I purposely went at about 12:30 because people in my neighbhorhood seem to disappear at noon. I was on line only about 45 minutes. However, I heard someone say that the line had been out the door and around the block this morning.
That is a good sign because good turnout supposedly favors Democrats, who are supposedly less motivated voters. It is especially good because New England had some record-breaking low temps this morning.
Due to re-districting, I had to vote for THE most Congressional Rep from Massachusetts, when I have voted for THE most liberal one in prior elections.
I was going to leave it blank, but someone was running against him. (Many Democrats run unopposed.) This is the very last time I vote for a DINO in my life, though. I am going to write and tell him that, too. So, he has two years to liberal up if he wants my vote next time. I will never vote for a Republican, but I would leave a blank spot in extreme circumstances; and I consider rightists extreme circumstances!