Recap: Sheldon Stephens, now 23, had accused Kevin Clash, puppeteer of Sesame Street's Elmo (and so much more) of having sex with Stephens when Stephens was a minor. (Age of consent in NY is 17.) Clash admitted having had sex with Stephens, but said it was between consenting adults. Sesame Street suspended Clash, saying that Clash had violated Sesame Street policy with respect to use of the internet, but did not explain further.
Stephens quickly recanted his story, saying he was a consenting adult. Clash said he was relieved that the matter had concluded and that he could return to Sesame Street. (It was not clear if Clash was simply putting a return to Sesame Street out there, or if Sesame Street and Clash had agreed to Clash's return.)
However, Stephens soon went back to his original charges. He now claims that Sesame Street tried to silence him and also that he had been pressured into signing a settlement agreement for $125,000, which contained a written statement saying that sex between Stephens and Clash had been between consenting adults.
Stephens says that he was 16. He has hired attorneys who represented one of the alleged victims of Sandusky and his attorneys are trying to return the settlement agreement. (My guess: The attorneys approached Stephens, figuring this case could be worth millions. I don't know, though, that any judge is going to buy that Stephens was under such duress when he signed the settlement agreement that he had no real choice but to sign it, unless they claim that Stephens is not mentally competent.)
Meanwhile, Stephens has been described as an aspiring model/actor who, in 2009, was accused of stealing $250,000 worth of jewelry from a music manager. When arrested while wearing some of it, Stephens claimed it had been a gift. He was charged with receiving stolen property. A friend of the music manager later said that the matter was a misunderstanding.
The above facts were out this morning or yesterday.
At noon, I heard that Clash has resigned Sesame Street.