High school boys are likely to get into fights at school. Duh.
But who wants principal who seeks to humiliate two boy by making them choose between suspension or public displays of affection?
Or a school district that cannot figure out for itself that this is wrong in so many ways?
As coincidence would have it, not too many minutes ago, I posted an article about how dangerous humiliating kids is and how it is a key grooming tactic for sexual abusers of school children.
Nov 30, 2012 2:44pm
Principal Punishes High School Boys With Public Hand-Holding
Earlier this week, the two students at Westwood High School in Mesa, Ariz., who have not been named, were faced with the prospect of either suspension from school, or sitting in chairs in the high school’s courtyard and holding hands for 15 minutes during a lunch period. They opted for the latter.
“Kids were laughing at them and calling them names, asking, ‘Are you gay?’” student Brittney Smyers told ABC affiliate KNXV.
Teens at the high school inevitably posted photos of the two, who spent the time shielding their faces with their heads in their hands, to social media sites
“The district is looking at how the actions have been perceived,” she said. “That’s a very important piece to know.”