That is
not intended to imply that Boehner is the devil. The devil is shamed whenever anyone tells the truth.
And when a politician does it, the devil is not only shamed but shocked.
The one quibble that I have is that cutting funds to anyone who is disabled is equally reprehensible, but I understand why he singled out disabled vets.
Bernie Sanders Rips John Boehner for Calling for Cuts to Disabled Veterans’ Benefits
Sanders called Boehner’s proposal morally and economically unacceptable, “It is morally and economically unacceptable that anyone in Congress would propose more tax breaks for millionaires, billionaires and large corporations while at the same time proposing significant cuts for disabled veterans,. This is not what the American people want and it is not what must happen.”
Later, Sen. Sanders repeated his call for the wealthy and corporations to pay more in taxes, “What the election results were about and what poll after poll has found is that we must not cut benefits for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. The wealthy and large corporations have got to start paying their fair share of taxes.”
The chained CPI is a big change that some Democrats and most Republicans are trying sell as something minor. The reality is that disabled veterans would see their benefits cut by $1,300-$2,260 a year by the time they reach age 65. Republicans are trying to create more revenue by reducing the level of benefits for disabled veterans. If implemented, the chained CPI would push Americans who already in or teetering towards poverty deeper into economic distress.
The idea of taking money away from people who may already have limitations on potential earnings and giving it to wealthy people at the top is what Republican economic philosophy is all about. Congressional Republicans like Boehner would rather protect millionaires and billionaires than their promise to the men and women who have literally spilled their blood for this country.