he press wasn't made privy to what the president and his family did the rest of his final day in Hawaii, but a small group of demonstrators showed up in the neighborhood holding up signs. One implored "No Drone Warfare," while another asked "Is it really OK if Obama does it?"T
The tone wasn't as supportive as the well-wishers who cheered Obama and first lady Michelle Obama when they left Nobu, a popular Waikiki restaurant where they dined with friends, about 12:09 a.m. Saturday.
The Obamas were scheduled to leave Honolulu aboard Air Force One about 9 p.m. Saturday HAST and arrive back at the White House at 10:45 a.m. EST. Sunday.
Read more:
http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2013/01/06/Obamas-dine-at-Buzzs/UPI-65371357450871/#ixzz2HBbH6MlBBTW, the UPI headline for this story was "Obamas Dine at Buzz's" Not exactly the biggest news in the story. Of course, that is that Hawaiians in the blue state of Hawaii are demonstrating against a Democratic President who is also the first native Hawaaian to win the Presidency. If anyone idolized Obama in 2008, it was the Hawaiian left.
During the earlier days of the Obama adminitration, as my glee at his election was morphing into a numbed soul, I would be horrified at the thing my fellow Democrats defended in their DU posts. A frequent post of mine in response to their justification of things Democrat had always abhorred was a sarcastic
IOKIODI (It's O.K. if Obama does it.)
You can see some examples in this search:
http://www.google.com/search?q=IOKIODI+no+elephants&sitesearch=democraticunderground.comIt was, of course, my takeoff on IOKIYAR (It's O.K. If You Are Republican.) However, I changed the wording so it was not It' O.k. If You Are Obama, but it's O.K. if Obama Doe it. Maybe I inspired that Hawaiian protestor's sign? I sure hope so.