for your positions. On the other hand, I am sure you know by now that I am almost 100% totally incapable of remaining silent if I disagree.
Repubs are nearly always (99%!) the ones I hear in public going on about politics, and ripping on the liberals, and most always turning it to Obama and sounding awfully close to racists, if not outright racists
Forgive me, but I don't want to focus on the words of politicians, but on their deeds. As the saying goes, talk is cheap. For example, the Democrats made a huge deal of reproductive choice in the last election after McCaskill shrewdly backed Aikens in the Republican primary. (She donated to his campaign, not because he was the best Republican candidate for Missouri and the country in case she lost that once almost certainly Republican election, but because she thought he was the worst. How is that for cynical self-interest that doesn't give a crap about the country?)
As it was, she won because Aikens put his foot in every woman's vagina. And Democrats took that and ran with it. Then Mourdock stepped in and Democrats rejoiced even more.
But, the only difference between Mourdock and his Democratic opponent was that his Democratic opponent would reluctantly allow choice in the case of rape or instance. And, for years, Democrats have done nothing as both the Supreme Court and the states have walked back reproductive choise, to the point of three states enacting trans vaginal utrasounds. Legislatively mandated sexual assault, as a condition of exercising a Constitutional right! Did the D of J jump in to protect federal rights? Did Obama rail?
So, yeah, bad words are worse than good words. But, in the end, no pun intended, the Hyde Amendment is still part of every federal law and two states still mandate sexual assault as a condition of exercising a Constitutional right. And Democrats do nothing--except between Aikens flub and election day, when they flogged the hell out of the issue, to their own advantage.
we are so much a better party than the republicans
no comment
but it's a shame that we're being led by many a centrist in DC institutions.
The think tanks can't lead squat unless the politicians look to them for leadership--mostly for the purpose of their own re-election and financial security. Even lobbyists don't lead them. Politicians don't vote at gunpoint.
Besides, a lot of those centrists in D.C. institutions were once making laws in the halls of Congress or governing our states.
The current head of the DNC is a New Democrat. So was her predecessor.
The head of the Democratic Party recently referred to positions as those as a moderate Republican from a few years ago. He and his White House have insulted and demeaned those of us to their left in many a word and deed and policy and appointment in the last four years.
Let's see. The head of the party, the head of the DNC, the Senate and quite a few House Democrats. (Yes, the Progressive Caucus is supposedly liberal, but, in the end, they usually vote with centrists, if their vote is likely to affect anything.)
At what point do we admit that New Democrats, aka Reagan Republicans, ARE Democratic Party at this point? Perhaps not in words or affect, but in ways that actually affect our lives?
No, it wasn't always this bad. It became this bad when the guy who looks black (half Irish, half African, not that they care - one drop, indeed) was elected by the People
Yes, but my question was not only about Republican cheerleaders, but also about Democratic cheerleaders. Actually, Republicans bother me less than Democrats. I never expected anything but bad things from Republican politicians, so they never diappoint me. In fact, I am not even sure I care about political parties. I care only about actions, not words, not party labels, but actions.
If a Democratic President signs repeal of Glass Steagall and NAFTA, does that mean the global economic of 2008 was not as bad as if a Republican President had signed them? If a Democratic President turns to Republican Morris and Republican Colin My Lai Powell to craft DADT--and then puts it through Congress instead of signing an Executive Order (easier to change, but no political cover for Clinton), is that better than if Dummya had done the same?
If Obama chooses Rick Warren for the invocation at his first inaugural and Giglio for the benediction at his second inaugural, is that much more acceptable to Democrats than if Bush had chosen them? Should it be? Or should it be much less acceptable if a Democrat does it?
"Republican politicians bad." Yes, I agree. Next?
"Democrats much, much better." Not at all sure I agree.
And there is, IMO, the greatest danger for our country and for us as individuals, namely the lack of a Democratic Party that is in deed, as well as in word, significantly different from the Republican Party and mounts strong opposition to Republican politicians.
As an example, I'll tell you a secret. The most damage Romney did while Governor of Massachusetts was Romneycare. It was a Heritage Foundation brainchild, conceived because even Nixon's Republican plan was far too liberal for the Heritage Foundation. Clinton tried and failed to pass it when it was called Hillarycare. Romney passed it in Massachusetts and Democrats sneeringly called it Romneycare. But they loved it when the entire nation got it as Obamacare. Oh, and Republicans who loved it when it called Romneycare threatened to secede whan it was called Obamacare.
Does any of that sound sane to anyone? That's what I mean by two colors of the same strength of Kool-Aid. One is blue, one is red, but they both rot your insides.