Obama will not do that because he promised not to raise taxes on income under $250K a year--and that seems to be the one promise he will stick to.
However, someone had introduced a bill in 2011--after Republicans got resounding control of the House-- that skipped that level but raised the contribution (insurance premium) of everyone else. Looks like no one wants to pass it, though--which was no doubt obvious when it was introduced. I don't anyone, even the author of the bill, thought Republicans would vote for it. So, the bill was political kabuki, IMO.
We could eliminate the cap. We could also restore to the fund, with interest, all the money that has been leached from it to pay for wars without imposing a war tax, as used to happen. All kinds of political and mathematical possibilities, some of which a precocious fifth grader could suss out--assuming that the fifth grader actually wanted to avoid cuts to OASDI.
It's becoming apparent that no one especially wants to avoid cuts to OASDI, though. After all, why should the disabled, the poor, and the survivors and minor children of deceased workers keep getting what Americans have been paying for since FDR?
If they want that, let them buy private insurance against death and disability and annuities for retirement. It's about time big business aka job creators caught a huge break from government, isn't it? After all, its been almost two years since the health insurance bail out bill.