The manufacturers and purveyors of guns, bullets, etc. are not responsible. Neither are their lobbyists. Neither are our government officials, whose hands apparently have been tied by the strongest bonds--putting their personal ambition and financial interests over the lives and limbs of the people who elect them and pay their salaries, election after election after election after election.
The makers of violent movies are not responsible. Now, the the makers of violent video games have exonerated themselves, too., obviously, it's me.
I would certainly and immediately stop whatever I am doing to cause mass shootings, if only I could figure out what it was.
I don't go to violent movies or play or purchase violent video games. Violence makes me want to vomit.
I don't manufacture or sell or buy guns or have any in my home. I would not even buy my son a toy gun.
I never closed any mental institution or halfway house or complained about paying taxes.
Anyway, f you know what I have been doing to cause these mass shooting, post or pm me immediately so I can stop. I don't know how I am going to live with myself until I stop contributing to these events.
Which human being could?