Wall Street unnerves taxpayers, so I don't really care if Wall Street is unnerved.
Apparently, Wall Street is more skittish than a highly neurotic mouse.
We're told again and again that Wall Street requires certainty, something that does not exist for anyone or anything on the surface of this planet.
So, who do we call its wares "securities?"
SMA. (Secure, my ass.) More like poker chips or Monopoly money, aren't they?
Anyway, Intel's revenues were disappointing; it's spending forecasts were alarming; and the future for personal computers is uncertain.
(Sounds a lot like the U.S., which Wall Street broke (with a lot of help from three Presidents, two of them Democrats).
Details here.
http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/18/us-intel-results-idUSBRE90G19M20130118Cry me a river.
Meanwhile, S & P is at a five year high.
http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/17/us-markets-stocks-idUSBRE90D0CG20130117Unemployment is high, too, not a five year high, but high.
Wall Street fine; Main Street in trouble.
Same old, same old.
But, when someone making $600K a year has to pay slightly higher taxes on the last $200K of it, it's an incentive for them to stop working entirely.
If you listen to the clinically insane and terminally untruthful folk at FOX, that is, aka The Gang That Refuses to Shoot Straight.
"Please, please, don't make me a multi-millionaire. I don't want to pay taxes to my country. :silly:
I just want to wear a flag pin--because that's what makes me more patriotic than someone who doesn't. :silly: