January 17th, 2013
08:36 PM ET
TRENDING: Why did Obama quit a golf game with Clinton?
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CNN's Gregory Wallace
(CNN) - President Bill Clinton says President Barack Obama quit a recent golf round between them - and he suggested he might have a theory why.
"I'm only one down and he leaves at (hole) thirteen - says, 'Gotta go,' " Clinton continued, laughing.
He stopped short of accusing Obama of quitting the game before chalking up a loss, but said he told Obama, "Hey, you're talking to somebody that's had this job and made that excuse."
Doesn't seem to me as though Bubba stopped short. He called Obama's begging off because duty called an excuse, not a scheduling issue.
Cllinton spoke as well of how ACA may impact rising health costs and sounded testy with Obama in that anecdote as well.
"I think that in the next four years, how this health care bill is implemented will determine whether people see it as I do: as a big step forward - assuming we implement it right - or whether they have their fears confirmed because they don't like the way it's implemented and they think it's more trouble and less good," Clinton said.
And I told him (Obama) when it was over - I said, 'Nobody owes me anything. I'm going back to do my foundation. If I can ever help you, call me, and if you don't, it’s fine with me.'
"I did this because it was right - end of story," Clinton added.
Meanwhile, Obama just signed into law still more entitlements for past Presidents, with no strings (or "chains"), no conditions, no means testing, nada. He reinstated Secret Service protection for life for both them and their wives, and for their kids until the kids are 16. (I would worry about someone nutzo going after my kids because he or she could not get to me, but, what do I know?) So, both George Crime Family Bushes will get it, as will multi-millionaires Clinton, Carter and Obama. No means, testing, either.
Some of us are entitled to the good life and some of us can drop dead.