I don't even watch MSNBC as much as I used to.
However, I am very familiar with the ACORN case. AFAIK, there is no evidence that FOX doctored that film, as opposed to O'Keefe. AFAIK, he was not then an employee of FOX, but only took the film to FOX.
Sure, FOX accepted the film as genuine all too quickly, but so did the Democratic Congress of the United States and the President of the U.S., even to the point of immediately passing and signing a law to defund ACORN. That law drove ACORN out of existence. The law was later declared unconstitutional as a bill of attainder, something the Constitution forbids. However, the decision was too late to save ACORN. I don't recall any Democrat apologizing, let alone submitting a bill that would get ACORN back on its feet..
So, if I weigh a private entity like Fox falling for the film precipitously, against the federal government's doing the same thing as FOX did--and then hastily passing an unconstitutional law to destroy ACORN to boot, I'd have to say the government was more wrong and far more dangerous.
Did MSNBC jump on the government or Obama, the constitutional law lecturer, for that? Or only on O'Keefe and FOX? I don't recall anything like MSNBC faulting a single Democratic officeholder for that. Was that deceptive of MSNBC? I think it was.
There are more than one way to lie. Remaining silent when you are supposed to be reporting is a way to lie, too. Telling part of a story when you are supposed to be telling the whole truth is another way of lying. Pretending you are so far morally superior to FOX when you are also deliberately distorting the truth too is an attempt to be deceptive as well.
If doctored footage and falsified evidence is your only standard for MSNBC evening's not being the mirror image of FOX, then I guess you come out differently than I do. But, they are both shills, one for the Republicans and the other for the Democrats--and both are highly deceptive in their own ways.
As far as D of J: Heading the D of J is not an elective position, so Holder does not need votes. Therefore public opinion about Holder stands on a different footing than does public opinion of a candidate running for re-election or likely to run for re-election.
Obama is responsible for Holder and Obama does not need votes anymore. I would be surprised if they are bashing Obama for what the D of J does anyway. My guess is that they are acting as though the buck stops on Holder's desk.
And, it's been four years since the 2008 crash. MSNBC evening just now--after Obama was re-elected--discovered that D of J had not prosecuted anyone on Wall Street? If Holder is wrong now, he was wrong in 2010 and 2011 and 2012, too. Was MSNBC all over his case when it might have reflected badly on Obama, or only after the statute of limitations ran out anyway?
But, let us go back to the comment of yours to which I was responding, namely:
Every stinkin' channel has morphed into Fox "News" except MSNBC in the evening.
By that post, did you mean that you have proof that NBC, CBS, ABC and every other channel has doctored films and fabricated stories to the degree that FOX has?
Or were you making a more general statement to the effect that every channel except MSNBC evening is biased and shilling for Republicans? I interpreted as the latter, and that is what I responded to. Moreover, I said that MSNBC is very much like Fox News, not that MSNBC does every single thing that FOX does.