It releases oxytocin, an anti-inflammatory that can lower blood pressure and makes you trust the hugged one even more.
But, hugging someone you do not know and trust can have the opposite effect.
Hugger/hugged women also enjoyed a lowering of cortisol.
Reportedly, even hugging yourself has positive effects (good news for loners).
A team from the University of North Carolina studied the effects of hugging on both partners in 38 couples.
The study showed hugs increased levels of oxytocin, a "bonding" hormone, and reduced blood pressure - which cuts the risk of heart disease. ways to persuade your body to release oxytocin according to one author (I
don't recommend reading the entire article.), you don't have to do all of them. I started with the ones I think are easiest.
1. Laugh.
2. Lie down and listen to soothing music. (Maybe whatever music seems soothing to you?)
3. Call a friend. (vocal hug)
4. Use social media to connect in a positive way with someone to whom you used to feel close, but with whom you lost touch
5. Breathe deeply and slowly. As an exercise, for ten minutes each day, sit straight and hold your breath for 8 seconds, breath out for 8 seconds, breathe in for 8 seconds, hold, etc.
6. The author of this article also reomments eating a meal consisting of eggs with pepper and bananas. (He says to mix them altogether. I don't see why you have to make an unappetizing mess, though. And who wants pepper on bananas?)
7. Orgasm
8. Walk in the sunshine, preferably with a friend. (Mama No Elephants adds, but use sunblock and wear sunglasses). Even a cloudy day is good. And walking with someone as you release oxytocin will increase the likelihood of bonding.
9. Show compassion; do charitable or othewise good deeds--random acts of kindness
10. Be trusted by others. (Trusting others does not release oxytocin--unless you hug the person(s) whom you trust.) So, be reliable and trustworthy, I guess.
11. Go into labor (the birthing kind, not the union hall kind)
12. Shoot at a gun gallery, especially with a friend. As the author of this article says. "I don’t know what to tell you. This releases oxytocin also." (Then why are gun nuts so unhappy and nasty?)
Good luck!