I know, nothing new here, just especially outraged this morning!!!
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/01/21/AR2011012103187.html?wpisrc=nl_headline"The new Republican leaders in the House have received millions of dollars in contributions from banks, health insurers and other major business interests, which are pressing for broad reversals of Democratic policies that affect corporations...
...Cantor received at least $5.6 million from corporate-linked donors during the 2010 midterm campaign, including $2.4 million from companies and employees in the finance, insurance and real estate industries...
...Scott E. Talbott, chief lobbyist at the Financial Services Roundtable, said the increase in giving to Republicans by major industry groups partly reflects hope that the GOP can curb Wall Street regulations and other restrictions being pushed by the Obama administration..."We contribute to those members of either party who thoughtfully and carefully consider the positions on issues of importance to our industry," Talbott said..."