everyone's taxes vs raising taxes on corporations and/or the rich.....
we need to get back to square 1 and make sure people are paid what they are worth. Has anyone's salary gone up in proportion to productivity gains in the last 30 years? Has anyone's salary really kept up with inflation?
I live in a rural, Upstate New York county. I estimate housing prices around here are about half of what they are in most other places. Around here, the minimum wage is $7.25/hr. A
living wage for one person would be $8.86. A living wage for an adult and child ( say a Mom and 1 kid) would be $ 17.49. A
living wage for 2 adults, two children would be
$29.50!http://www.livingwage.geog.psu.edu/counties/36075Now, although most families today need two full time wage earners, I propose to you that the original minimum wage was designed to allow a male to support himself, a wife and two kids.
My point is, if the minimum wage was even $15/hr, and all other wages ratcheted upwards in proportion to that, then there would be more than enough tax money coming in to balance state budgets.