The repukes are in the big cable and telecommunications pockets, and they hate the competition from satellite-TV. Why do you think you can't subscribe to any regional local channel you want if you subscribe to sat-TV? The cable companies don't want the sat-TV companies to have this competitive edge, and advertisers fought it as well for obvious reasons. So it is not legal to sell or buy local programming out-of-market except with the permission of the local affiliate for very extenuating circumstances. If you want to purchase a NY Times newspaper, you are free to do so anywhere you are in the country, or in the world for that matter. Not so with NY local channels.
Also, because of the high overhead of the cable infrastructure which sat-TV does not have, cable company lobbyists are constantly working on state governments to levy taxes on sat-TV subscriptions to help level the playing field - and they have succeeded in about 10 states with more to come. The sats are not as big as cable and the telcos, hence don't pay as much for influence I am assuming, so DISH can't really be said to be a right-leaning company as far as the industry they are in - sat TV. Rupert Murdoch owned DTV, so who knows what influence they may have with FOX and of course they are now owned by News Corp.
And it can't be stated enough how a merger like Comcast and NBC Universal is not in the sat-TV companies' best interests. With that kind of control over content and programming carriage rights...it is not good for consumers or other carriers. DISH also has a press release out on its support of rigorous Net Neutrality rules, which of course, is being heavily fought against by the right as well.
The rethuglicans call dems commies, big government, fascists, nazis, etc. But corporate socialism is fine of course.