Intro. We’ve seen some pretty shitty Republican Congresses in the past two decades. There was the Newt Grinch House that killed Christmas in 1995. Later, Newt lead a panty raid on the White House that pushed Bill Clinton’s popularity up to astronomical heights. In 2005, the Republican House passed a law making it illegal for a Florida woman (Terri Schiavo) to die with dignity. Almost makes me glad I live in Texas where they will pull the plug on anyone, whether they want it or not. The Republican House has had its pedophiles (Mark Foley), its felons (Bob Ney and Tom Delay), its whacked out gun toting watermelon shooting loons (Dan Burton).
But this year’s Republican House of Representatives puts those other haters to shame. This year, the House isn’t shooting watermelons. It is taking aim at you and me and the Constitution and everything that the Founders of this country held dear.
What we have in 2011 is the worst House of Representatives that (foreign as well as domestic) corporate money could buy. How much do the House Republicans hate America and Americans?
I. The Republican Congress Wants Your Mother to Die
They call it the Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act. I call it the Killing My Middle Aged Mother Who Was Laid Off From Her Job Act. Every Republican has voted for it. Every Democrat minus two voted against it. Americans with preexisting conditions such as high blood pressure, asthma and diabetes will kiss their chances of buying individual health insurance goodbye if the GOP has its way---which they won’t. The Democratic Senate will never go along with this. And the health insurance industry that bought and paid for the Republican House does not want the law repealed. They just want to be able to blame Barrack Obama for high unemployment by saying “See, if not for that job-killing health care law, your job wouldn’t have been outsourced to China in 2009.” Number of Founders rolling in their graves over this one: 56. That’s everyone that signed the Declaration of Independence which promised “ Life , Liberty and the Pursuit of…”
II. The Republican Congress Believes that Electing a President is Too Important a Job to Leave to the American Voter
You know that little box you can check on your income tax form that says “Yeah, I want to give a few bucks so that presidential candidates will not be beholden to special interests” ? The House Republicans hate that little box. They believe that American citizens have no business deciding who gets to run for president. That is a job for Saudi oil sheiks and British pharmaceutical companies and Swiss banks. The GOP’s new motto is “If the contribution is not corporate, then it’s communism!”
Founder rolling his grave: Thomas Jefferson, who wrote “I am not among those who fear the people. They, and not the rich, are our dependence for continued freedom.” Man, what a pinko commie!
III. The Republican Congress Thinks Going to Bed Hungry Is Good for a Child
That is why they want to abolish the income tax and slap a 23% sales tax on everything you buy---including your baby’s formula, his diapers, Cheerios for the bigger kids, the cans of beans they eat each night, fees for doctors visits for ear infections, check ups and immunizations, the cost of new shoes for their growing little feet. If you are one of the millions of Americans who has to spend every penny you earn just to keep a roof over your head and food on the table, congratulations! Every penny you earn will be taxed at a rate of 23% (minus a small deduction). If you are one of the Americans lucky enough to make more money than you need, congratulations! You will now make even more money than you need. The Republican House hopes that you consider giving some of those windfall millions to your local GOP candidate in 2012.
Founder rolling in his grave: John Otis who said “Taxation without representation is tyranny.”
IV. I’m Not Kidding. The Republican Congress REALLY Hates Children
That is why the want to send children born and raised in this country back to other countries where they do not speak the language or have families, so that they can be exploited for cheap child labor or as prostitutes. Because Tijuana can never have enough teen aged English speaking prostitutes and motel maids.
Founders rolling in his grave: George Washington who wrote “For happily the government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support…"
V. But the Republican Congress LOVES the Koch Family
That is why they have a bill which declares that greenhouse gases are not air pollution---and therefore can not be regulated by the EPA. If that one fails there is a bill to keep the EPA from using any money to enforce greenhouse gas rules. I hear this one will be followed up by the “You Can Never Have Too Much Mercury in Your Fish” bill and the “What’s a Little Asbestosis Between Friends?” Founders rolling in his graves: Thomas Paine who wrote “Every science has for its basis a system of principles as fixed and unalterable as those by which the universe is regulated and governed. Man cannot make principles; he can only discover them.”
V. The Republican Congress Hates Free Speech
That is why they have come up with the “Internet Service Provider Freedom to Tell You What You Can and You Can Not Post on the Internet and How Much You Will Pay For the Privilege of Having Your Free Speech Abridged Act” aka “Internet Freedom Act” for short. This bill would prevent the FCC from enforcing net neutrality. Those Republicans are pretty sneaky. Who would not want free Internet?
Founders Rolling in Their Graves: Signers of the U.S. Constitution as in “Congress shall make no laws…. Abridging the freedom of speech or of the press…”
VI. The Republican Congress Hates Gays (Of Course)
That’s why they want to make the repeal of DODA contingent upon the agreement of every single homophobic military commander that they can find. And they call this puppy the “Restore Military Readiness Act” even though exempting gays from the army will make it absolutely impossible to ever reinstate the draft in time of emergency. In this day and age, who would hesitate to declare himself gay if it would keep him away from the front lines?
But did I mention that they love the fetus? So much so that they are willing to give it the same rights which citizens---excuse me, corporations now enjoy. The Republican Congress believes life begins at birth, stops at delivery and starts up again once you become a Fortune 500 CEO.
Founder Rolling in His Grave: James Madison who wrote “We hold it for a fundamental and undeniable truth that religion, or the duty which we owe our Creator, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence. The religion, then, of every man must be left to the conviction and conscience of every man: and that it is the right of every man to exercise it as these may dictate.”
VII. The Republican Congress Loves Banksters
Wall Street helped bankroll the Tea Parties with the $700 billion bailout/slush fund that W. gave them as a parting gift. So, the Republican Congress aims to help the Banksters make a profit on their political investment by repealing “Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act” before the ink is even dry. That is because consumer and investor protections interfere with JP Morgans ability to rob Americans blind.
Founder Rolling in His Grave: Jefferson again. “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.”
100 weeks to go. So many corporate donors to reward, so little time. Ciao.