Edited on Sun Jan-23-11 07:55 AM by HereSince1628
What democrats have lost the ability to do is to make the poor and working classes feel secure. Indeed, these classes are smacked in the face with fear by Obama and the dems who do stupid shit like threaten social security and medicaid in the midst of the economic unrecovery. Until Dems realize that the New Deal generated public support because it created security, the Dems will continue to lose their base.
Fear generates conservatism--IN EVERYONE. If you've ever walked on an ice covered body of water you know what the sound of cracking ice does to you. It immediately changes how you orient to what was a casual walk. Suddenly you are much, much more vigilant and careful.
An office-mate or team-member gets cut as the business trims and you think about maybe waiting on that vacation or buying that new car, tv, boat motor, computer, pair of shoes, etc.
The R's do an effective job of telling people of what to be afraid, even if they have to lie. And the fearful buy into blief that SS is a risk to their job, and that health insurance kills jobs, and that pensions kill jobs, and that immigrants risk their job/life, etc.
When the DLC turned away from labor and sought the parties fortunes among the educated investor class they scared the shit out of their base, who in their uncertainty first claimed "Independent" status, and then variously fractured into what Rahm and much of the current WH staff consider fuck'n crazy left, Libertarians, and tea-partiers, depending upon how they related to calming their FEAR.
This has been known for at least 75 years. It isn't rocket science. It's just a message that can't be delivered by those whose good lives depend upon the largess of lobbyists and campaign contributors. Which is to say IT IS SOMETHING THAT THE PROFESSIONAL DEMS FEAR TO RISK and that makes them move to the RIGHT.