I'm hearing this a lot lately: "We've cut spending before and there were no riots.", or "So-and-so cut spending before and there were no riots".
Well now, considering the economy is rarely ever the same year to year it's hard to compare cuts made in the 90's to the cuts we're planning on doing. Since the job market clearly sucks, and wages haven't grown in proportion with production, people are needing help more than ever to make ends meet.
I often hear people wonder why government doesn't work, especially teapublicans, that's a pretty simple question to answer as well: conservatives are merely middle men in shifting money from the poor and middle class to the rich. Yeah they'll "fight" to give ya a tax cut, just to shut you up long enough not to notice the roads, bridges, and dams crumbling around you.
People are mad, and this is bipartisan. And a lot of them depend (whether they know it, or not) on the federal government to stay afloat, so please yell it from the rooftops Jim Jordan. Yell it till you loose your voice. Let the masses know your taking ownership of cutting off musch needed benefits and jobs in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
May God have mercy on your heartless cold soul, because if it does come to riots they most assuredly wont.