America Too Corrupt to Keep Up?Sunday 23 January 2011
by: David Sirota, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed
A sovereign nation investing its wealth in its domestic economy seems like a no-brainer, especially during a global recession. But in this crazy age of American politics, even that has become a controversial notion.
...China's industrial policy success carries a basic lesson: When a nation couples public spending with incentives that encourage domestic corporate investment, an economy tends to grow its own wealth-building industries. That's simple enough to understand, right?
Evidently, not within our own government. As "Buy China" policies now economically supercharge the world's most populous nation, the White House and congressional Republicans have opposed many of the very "Buy America" proposals that might help us keep up -- and that obstruction has come at a steep price.
As Bloomberg News reported during the stimulus negotiations,
the U.S. Chamber of Commerce fiercely lobbied against the "Buy America" provisions when Congress debated them, just as the group lobbies against similar proposals today. That may seem strange coming from an organization whose name pays homage to this country. But don't be fooled:
The chamber is a front group for huge multinational firms whose first priority is not this nation's economy, but a profit-maximizing business model based on exporting jobs and production facilities to low-wage countries abroad. Those firms, of course, make massive campaign contributions to both parties and such donations come with the expectation of legislative favors -- like, say, killing initiatives to strengthen "Buy America" laws.
Thus, our current position of humiliating weakness. Here we are, supposedly the world's most powerful country, begging the WTO to intervene on our behalf so as to prevent an economic competitor from making basic investments in its own economy. And we're doing this all because our political system is too corrupt to permit a similarly competitive posture here at home.