Mark Singer & Brody Levesque (Washington DC) JAN 21 | Kameron Jacobsen, a 14-year-old freshman student from the Monroe Woodbury High School in Orange Country, New York, which is located in the northern edges of the suburban New York City metropolitan area, was tormented by Facebook bullies who taunted him about what they thought was his sexual orientation. He reached a threshold earlier this week and killed himself.
MyFox News, Channel 5 in New York City reports that Kameron's parents, friends, and members of the community are stunned and devastated.
Fox also reports that crisis teams have been called in to help students, staff and parents deal with not one, but two tragedies in less than two weeks. Sources told Fox that besides Kameron's death, another student, a junior on the school's football team, ended his life.
Channel 5 Reporter Lisa Evers in a broadcast Wednesday told viewers:
At the high school they both attended, students tried to make sense of the incomprehensible -- that two teens with everything ahead of them seemed to find life too painful.
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I just can't stand reading this stuff anymore. Young gay men, actually boys, ending their lives and society apparently doesn't give a damn. If 11 Christians had committed suicide due to anti Christian bullying in half a school year there would have been a special session of Congress to pass measures punishing anti Christian bullying. Politicians would be fighting each other to find the nearest microphone to exise the country of the scourge of anti Christian bullying. With gay kids, not so much. One political party has yet to make even one It Gets Better video, while the other, did nothing at all to pass an anti bullying bill when it still controlled the Congress. HOw many gay, or thought to be gay kids, have to die before we will do something?