or whether you are being flip in your response, but in the interest of clear communication, I'll offer this:
Of course I'm not in charge. I'm speaking generally, in light of the growth of the military industrial complex and the impression I have that they think they're in charge. The knee-jerk response is to protect the institution at what price? Torture? Ignoring the law one is charged with protecting?
And I'm in no way disparaging those who serve in the military. The INSTITUTION has gone way beyond serving to protect the people of the United States and has for too long protected "US interests" which has ended up too many times to mean something dangerously narrow. Read corporate interests.
And historically, it has ever has been this way with Empires. They rise, go beyond their reach and with the enormity of an oppressive size, they fall under their own weight and hubris.
Dammit, I really do dig the idea of our Constitution and these United States of America. But, being born in 1955 and graduating from high school and entering adulthood in 1973, it's been an economic downhill slide for me and my family since then, not to mention the deterioration of how the laws of the land are upheld.