On Meet The Press this morning, host David Gregory asked House Majority Leader Eric Cantor to dismiss birther claims that President Obama is not a citizen of the United States as "crazy talk." Cantor declined, though he professed his own confidence that Obama is indeed eligible for the nation's highest elected office.
"I think the President is a citizen of the United States," Cantor said.
"Period?" Gregory asked.
"Yes," Cantor replied. "Why is it that you want me to go and engage in name calling
"Because I think a lot of people would say that a leader's job is to shut some of this down," Gregory replied. "You know as well as I do that there are elements on the right who believe two things about the president: he is actively trying to undermine the American way and wants to deny individuals their freedom. Do you reject those beliefs as a leader of our Congress?"
"I believe the president want's what's best in this country," Cantor said.