CapitalismCapitalism, even in theory, is bullshit. It is a design which assumes that some people have an "inherent right" to more of this planet's resources than any others.
What has occurred with Capitalism of late however, is the stripping away of the pretense that it is an all-powerful and balancing marketplace. One (we were once told), which is as close to nature that man could achieve. A place where good investment ideas would rise to the top -- while the bad ones would sink to the bottom to become fertilizer for all the new seedling ideas constantly being planted by new investors. A place where everyone can win. A place where no one would be too big to fail.
Yeah, well bullshit!Capitalism is CANCER. It is a metastasizing social tumor which devours anything and everything in its path because its profit and only its profit is its only concern. Capitalism is GREED. Capitalism is AVARICE. One cannot put a pretty face on Capitalism because its foundation is the bony skull of DEATH. Its underlying foundation and design, is one which ALWAYS takes more than it gives in return. Something which is contrary to nature. Even after a devastating tornado or a hurricane, nature brings new life in its wake. Not so with Capitalism. Even a single seed falling from a tree will result in thousands of new seeds if given a chance to root. That's nature at its finest.
Capitalism eats the seeds. All. Of. Them.
The term "The New Socialism" should indeed become the moniker for what we now have. Because the old term for what it truly is (fascism) has become meaningless. Like the word Nazi, once heard all you get is eyerolls. No one gives a shit about fascism or Nazis anymore.
- Which is why we are, where we are.....
"Waltzing at the Doomsday Ball"The main feature of capitalism is the seductive assertion that you can get something for nothing in this world. That you can manufacture wealth through money manipulation, and that it is OK to steal and hold captive the people's medium of exchange, then charge them out the ass for access. That you can do so with a clear conscience. Which you can, if you are the kind of sleazy prick who has inherited or stolen enough wealth to get into the game. Even so, to keep a rigged game going, you must keep the suckers believing they can, and eventually will, benefit from the game.
It ain't robbery, it's a business cycleCapitalism is about one thing: aggregating the surplus productive value of the public for private interests. As we have said, it is about creating state sanctioned "investments" for the workers who produce the real wealth. Things like home "ownership" and mortgages, or stock investments and funds to absorb their retirement savings. That crushing 30-year mortgage with two refis is an investment. So is that 401K melting like a snow cone at the beach.
As the people's wealth accumulates, it is steadily siphoned off by government and elite private forces. From time to time, it is openly plundered for their benefit by way of various bubbles, depressions or recessions and other forms of theft passed off as unavoidable acts of nature/god. These periodic raids and draw downs of the people's wealth are attributed to "business cycles." Past periodic raids and thefts are heralded as being proof of the rationale. "See folks, it comes and goes, so it's a cycle!" Economic raids and busts become "market adjustments."
Public blackmail and plundering through bailouts become "necessary rescue packages." Giveaways to corporations under the guise of public works and creating employment become "stimulus." The chief responsibility of economists is to name things in accordance with government and corporate interests. The function of the public is to acquire debt and maintain "consumer confidence." When the public staggers to its feet again and manages to carry more debt, buy more poker chips on credit to play again, it's called a recovery. They are back in the game.
~">Joe Bageant