Swift reaction by Corbett, Pa. lawmakers to abortion-clinic horror
By Amy Worden
Inquirer Harrisburg Bureau
HARRISBURG - From the governor's office to legislative chambers, calls are mounting for answers about why state officials failed to detect or stop the allegedly murderous activities at a Philadelphia abortion clinic as detailed last week in a grand jury report.
Gov. Corbett, in only his second week in office, and leaders of the General Assembly are moving swiftly to try to prevent future criminal acts akin to those alleged in the report, the result of a yearlong investigation by Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams' office. Legislators are calling for hearings.
Corbett has ordered secretaries of the Departments of Health and State to review the 260-page report that charged a doctor with eight counts of murder. The governor directed both cabinet members to send him recommendations about how to improve agency oversight of health facilities.
"He thought what happened was horrific," said Corbett spokeswoman Janet Kelly. "He has asked them to look at the situation and get back to him with recommendations on how to change the system."
Read more:
http://www.philly.com/inquirer/local/pa/20110125_Swift_reaction_by_Corbett__Pa__lawmakers_to_abortion-clinic_horror.htmlThis has the anti-choice folks up in arms, just like the AZ shootings have the gun control folks activated.