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Donald Rumsfeld talks about his upcoming memoir

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unhappycamper Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-25-11 07:05 AM
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Donald Rumsfeld talks about his upcoming memoir

Donald Rumsfeld talks about his upcoming memoir
January 24, 2011 | 7:24 am

Donald Rumsfeld's memoir "Known and Unknown" is coming to bookstores Feb. 8. The former secretary of defense, now 78, sat down with the Associated Press to talk about the book, which used White House memos, letters, personal interviews and Rumsfeld's own prodigious output of paperwork as resources; it clocks in at more than 800 pages.

"I started thinking about this amazing archive I had," he says during a recent interview. "The fact that I had it, persuaded me that I ought to take advantage of it."...

As defense secretary under Bush, Rumsfeld issued thousands of memos, "snowflakes," they were called. He reads from some issued in 2003 and in 2005: "Are we winning or losing the war on terror?" "Is the U.S. government changing fast enough?" "Do we need more troops? And if so, where and for what purpose?"

"My brain would be going," he says. "I wanted to find out something. I needed help. I needed advice. Some of them were just, 'I need a haircut.'"

Rumsfeld began his career in the Navy and served as a congressman from Illinois before joining the Nixon administration. He also worked for President Ford, becoming his chief of staff. His most visible public role, however, was as secretary of defense under George W. Bush, and helping to shape the American response to the Sept. 11 attacks. In his office, the AP reports, he keeps "a piece of shrapnel" from the plane that struck the Pentagon.
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liberal N proud Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-25-11 07:08 AM
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1. Another crook who sits in his easy chair writing propaganda
Making himself and his cohorts in crime sound like heroes.

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lunatica Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-25-11 07:21 AM
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2. History books are written by the winners
Edited on Tue Jan-25-11 07:22 AM by lunatica
I wish I could use the sarcasm gif, but I'm serious. When you're the main reason for false wars and the death of innocents and the death of our troops for nothing more than your fucking ego, and you actually get away with it, you've won.

The bragging rights go to the victors.
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