New drone sensors not working as hopedBy Ellen Nakashima
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Air Force field testers concluded in a draft report that a new wide-area surveillance system for use with remotely piloted aircraft is "not operationally effective" and should not be fielded, but Air Force officials said Monday they expect the system will still be deployed by late winter in Afghanistan.
A Dec. 30 report by the Air Force's 53rd Wing Group at Eglin Air Force Base said that the new system, dubbed Gorgon Stare, had "significant limitations," including an inability to track people on the ground in real time, and a delay in sending real-time images to the ground.
Still, senior Air Force officials on Monday asserted that they have addressed field testers' concerns as outlined in a final report, which they declined to release.
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen, is still "in favor of fielding this capability as soon as practicable, with the expectation that any technical issues would and could be adjusted and modified once it was in the field,'' said Capt. John Kirby, his spokesman.
The Gorgon Stare surveillance system consists of nine cameras attached to a pod that is designed to be carried on an unmanned aerial vehicle. It is supposed to provide images of a "city size" area.
unhappycamper comment: Oh goody! More expensive crap that doesn't work. :(