Edited on Wed Jan-26-11 04:38 PM by Javaman
And also how each demographic revolts in reflection via cause.
I have long stated that in order for the current American society to revolt, the price at the pump as to rise dramatically.
I predict the riots and protest go full swing when we hit 5 bucks a gallon.
I reason this not because we are a "car-centric" society, but because it would directly effect the middle classes leisure.
Those who live in the neither regions of the exo-burbs will feel the pain sooner than that, but because they aren't a concentrated group, they will be angry and only revolt when those in the city revolt.
I recall when I was a kid during the oil run ups in the 1970's, with the long lines at the gas stations. I would read daily about small riots, fights and auto wrecks being fueled by the general anger. However, there were less people and less cars back then. More things were still moved by rail and there were, some what less, communities solely dependant upon the car to get anywhere aka more walkable communities.
Today, no so much.
We have seen our rights drained away, the Constitution used as toilet paper and the rich getting away with basically murder, but aside from the dedicated few, not much other than simmering outrage has been displayed in a public fashion. I don't include the tea party halfwits in this, because they are corporate controlled tools. Their faux outrage did more to "vent" the nations anger than fuel it, thus distracting the majority from the real issues. (frankly, I still believe that was done purposely).
I watch the price of oil and the price at the pump as little barometers for the publics anger. It's now 3 bucks nationally a gallon.
There are a few whimpers of pain, here and there, but nothing to get concerned about yet.
When it hits $3.50 again, and it most surely will, that's when things will start getting interesting again. The price of shipping will go up in earnest, which will have an ill effect for all things transported.
All infrastructure will cost that much more in an over stretched, economically speaking, society.
Once gas hits 4 bucks, then you will see protests, not large ones but, just like last time, small ones that get some media time.
From that point on, as the price goes up, so will the size of the protests.
Also, the speed of the rise of gas will also dictate the rate at which peoples anger intensifies.
Other than that, we live in a mouth breathing couch beaching, tv surfing, fast food downing society, who are satisfied as long as they can get their sports, vapid tv and stuffer shack foods. If they can't get any of those, then the people will be pissed. Or have a heart attack from being grossly out of shape when they try to get up to protest.