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Ten (UK) troops a day suffer mental health problems in fight against Taliban

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unhappycamper Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-11 08:13 AM
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Ten (UK) troops a day suffer mental health problems in fight against Taliban

Ten troops a day suffer mental health problems in fight against Taliban
by Chris Hughes, Daily Mirror 24/01/2011

THE war on terror is taking its toll on the mental state of British troops with a dramatic rise in the number seeking psychiatric help.

Worrying new figures have revealed 10 a day are now being treated for ­psychological problems as a result of the bitter fight with the Taliban.

The daily threat of roadside bombs, fierce gun battles and seeing comrades killed or horrifically maimed in the blood and dust of Afghanistan has led to a steep increase in the number of personnel suffering post-traumatic stress disorder.

But experts claim many troops hit by mental illness do not present with any symptoms until many years after the incidents that triggered the problems.


MoD figures show the number of troops with mental health issues was last year up 28% on the year before while those with PTSD had risen by a shocking 72%. Military charity SSAFA Forces Help said: “It is not surprising the intense nature of current and recent operations is resulting in an increase in mental health issues amongst those who have deployed.

unhappycamper comment: The British have around 10,000 troops in Afghanistan.
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Gravel Democrat Donating Member (598 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-11 11:56 AM
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