Planned Parenthood Busts Conservative "Sting" Attempt Reminiscent of ACORN Smear Campaign
UPDATE: As of this morning, 10 am, January 25th 2011, Jill Stanek and other anti-choice operatives, including Lila Rose of Live Action Films are effectively claiming responsibility for sending pseudo "sex traffickers" into PPFA clinics, and also warn of "explosive evidence," of which they of course present.....none. They appear to have no credible response to exposure of their efforts to perpetrate a hoax on Planned Parenthood.According to the Child Obscenity and Exploitation section of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ), sexual exploitation and trafficking of youth in the United States are problems of "epidemic proportions." The majority of young American victims of commercial sexual exploitation, according to one DOJ report, tend to be "runaway or thrown away" youth who live on the streets and who become victims of prostitution. These children "generally come from homes where they have been abused, or from families that have abandoned them. They often become involved in prostitution as a way to support themselves financially or to get the things they want or need."
About one-fifth of these children, according to DOJ:
{B}ecome entangled in nationally- organized crime networks and are trafficked nationally. They are transported around the United States by a variety of means – cars, buses, vans, trucks or planes, and are often provided counterfeit identification to use in the event of arrest. The average age at which girls first become victims of prostitution is 12-14. It is not only the girls on the streets that are affected -- for boys and transgender the average age of entry into prostitution is 11-13.
In what is perhaps one of the most craven actions of a deeply craven movement, anti-choice scam artists apparently affiliated with Live Action Films and Lila Rose of undercover "gotcha film-fame" appear to have attempted an "ACORN-like" hoax on Planned Parenthood Federation of America by sending people into Planned Parenthood health centers in six states posing as sex traffickers seeking health care for young girls who were "part" of their supposed sex trafficking rings. More: