at 7:20 AM ET, 01/26/2011
Obama: compete; GOP: be afraid.
By Joel Achenbach
If I'm a GOP strategist, I'm worried this morning. The official Republican response (by Paul Ryan) to the SOTU was followed by the official Tea Party response (by Michele Bachmann). Huh? I thought ideological factionalism was a Democratic specialty. Is Paul Ryan too liberal for the Tea Party? Didn't he faithfully invoke the sacredness of the Constitution, as mandated by Tea Party ideological requirements? True, only CNN carried the Bachmann response (um, remind me why), but it highlighted the internecine (someday I'll learn to pronounce it) battles of the GOP.
The bigger problem for the hypothetical GOP strategist is that Obama is running on Reaganesque optimism (tempered by stern talk about turning off the TV and starting to freakin' compete, people!), while Ryan basically told people to be afraid. I've mentioned this before: The rhetoric of some people on the right these days strongly implies that we live in the Soviet Union circa 1936, or China circa 1966, or North Korea circa 2011 -- a totalitarian state that crushes the spirit of the individual. (Or is that overstated on my part? Sorry, it's like a twitch.)
Ryan didn't go quite that far, but he did paint a picture of a country on the brink of a fiscal calamity that could forever diminish our aspirations and make our grandkids hate us and whatnot. Also, people will choose to live the easy life on a government welfare check rather than get a job: