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"We can win the future...we do big things..." President Obama

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texpatriot2004 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-11 03:00 PM
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"We can win the future...we do big things..." President Obama
I watched the SOTU address. I'm reminded of that verse, "where there is no vision, the people perish" but only remembering those words in passing because President Obama has vision; for that, I am truly grateful. Robert Browning said, "Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?" I don't have this vision that my President has so I am extremely grateful that he does. I so enjoy watching President Obama speak because he is a brilliant orator, because he is capable, articulate, powerful with words and images he draws with his words. Also, President Obama is such a refreshing change after 8 years of W the shrub who was utterly inept in every way but especially when speaking in public. I am so grateful that President Obama and Vice President Biden are in office now...not because I think that they are perfect, I don't, they are mere mortal men, but they understand the "good of the whole" they care about people, about America, Americans, and the world at large. I am not as naive as I once was so I know that there are many issues at play with the Government and with those who govern, yet, while they may not be purely altruistic they are at least concerned enough with being of service to "the least of these" that I am touched and inspired and relieved. For 8 years I, like many of you, watched BushCo run roughshod over the Rule of Law, the United States Constitution, our rights as citizens, in essence BushCo shredded everything that I value and hold dear. I only hope that I will live to see the day that BushCo will be held accountable for their crimes against our nation and against humanity. None among us can be perfect here on Earth, as Lord Acton warned us, "power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely" so it was with BushCo; conversely, the Obama Administration with it's respect of and desire for transparency demonstrates a willingness to use, not abuse, the power they have been given by the people of the United States. I admire President Obama's vision, grand though it may be, I enjoy his idealism, I'm delighted he has it...again, how refreshing it is that he is intelligent and communicative. I appreciate his sincerity and honesty. I need his hope now just as I did when he began his journey to the White House. I wish his message of working together, particularly a bipartisan approach would take root and grow as from a little acorn to a mighty oak. Of course, I have my doubts given the current trend of politicians to grandstand,to misdirect with minutea, to use soundbytes over substance, to pretend by relying on PR stunts instead of doing the work required to reach authentic solutions, and all the rest of the ridiculousness utilized by those individuals, in both political parties who are on the wrong side of history. Now is the time to face facts, to take resolute and wise actions, the time has been before as well but we have put it off again and again until here we are facing the truth again. What will our choice be this time? No politician, no party can save us we must save ourselves by working together that we may move forward past our skepticism and our cynicism and our own personal bias. Are we up to the task? As Yoda said, "do or do not, there is no try." Peace be with you DU. I am ever grateful that you made it this far and that you are still here. You helped me to endure the very dark years of BushCo and to emerge with hope once again.
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texpatriot2004 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-11 09:36 PM
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1. No replies? How about the evening crowd? Thanks for the Rec.
Edited on Wed Jan-26-11 09:36 PM by texpatriot2004
by the way :patriot:
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