Edited on Wed Jan-26-11 08:09 PM by calimary
I think that's the gold nugget that keeps tumbling around in the pan that these gold-diggers keep coming up with and are perpetually unable to avoid. There's a black guy in the Oval Office and he's not the janitor.
I think, after Obama won, they all either gritted their teeth and told themselves it wouldn't matter all that much, OR they all congratulated themselves for a "see? You're wrong about us! We're NOT racists after all! We're just fine with that black guy in the Oval Office who isn't the janitor!" And the days wore on, and all the news coverage was about how he'd won and what that meant and how the days were counting down til his inauguration and then he WAS inaugurated and they couldn't pretend that away, nor could they hide from it, because it was EVERYWHERE And In Their Faces, Around The Clock, Every Day. And as time has marched on, he's STILL that black guy in the Oval Office who isn't the janitor and it WASN'T just a bad dream they had. It's all real. All too real for this bunch.
I think those who assumed they could just grin and bear it and it wouldn't be so bad after all, have suddenly learned that those feelings actually had a limited shelf-life and expiration happened a long time ago and they're still stuck with the reality they never wanted and tried to pretend they were okay with: there's a black guy in the Oval Office and he isn't the janitor. I think it's finally dawned on them that they're really, deep-down, NOT okay with it and he WON'T go away and he WON'T STOP being that black guy in the Oval Office who isn't the janitor. I think that realization just has fucked with their whole bedrock down-in-their-bone-marrow understanding of "How Things Are Just Supposed To Be In Their America." It's gone on way too long to be nothing but a bad dream. And watch them start to panic as the poll numbers start pointing toward a second term for Barack Obama. Because it means their reality is gonna be knocked on its ass for ANOTHER four years, when it's something that should NEVER have been allowed to happen in the first place.
That's why they never said "peep" when bush/cheney spent American tax money like drunk frat boys with daddy's car keys and credit card. They never said "peep" when cheney claimed flat-out that "deficits don't matter." Hell, they never said "peep" when bush/quayle did it, and they never said "peep" when their precious Saint ronnie did it, either. They only started having public dry-heaves when the republi-CONS were turned out of the White House and Dems got in. First Clinton, and now Obama. But it's even worse with Obama because Obama adds insult to injury. Clinton at least was a white guy, so it wasn't quite apoplexy time.
Now, the President is African-American, and we didn't just make it up and it wasn't just a bad dream and he's still around, going into his third year as President and it's something they just can't avoid or pretend doesn't exist. I think it's made all hell break loose - like a big fat zit that's finally come to a head and then popped, no matter how much Clearasil they used or Max Factor pimple-mask cream they've used over the last several months, and these people just can't pretend anymore. It's brought out all their ugliness - their dirty little secret that up til now they've been able to keep well-hidden. Obama's very presence, his very existence, brings their dirty little shame that they've been able to pretend wasn't there - out into the sunlight, up to the surface, out front, and full-on center stage.
That IS, BEYOND ANY DOUBT, the bedrock foundational reason these assholes are puking all over their hysterical closet-racist little selves. It's the closet racist in them that's been inside, fighting and kicking and screaming to get out, ever since the era of Obama dawned. It's like the soda bottle that's been shaken so hard for so many years that the bottle top can't contain the pressure build-up anymore.
Ironically - Obama's now said "for many, the change has been painful." AND HOW! Understatement of the 21st Century!