(01-19) 15:06 PST SAN FRANCISCO -- Reports of lasers being shined at aircraft nearly doubled last year across the country, with the Bay Area being among the worst regions when it comes to the dangerous prank, federal officials said Wednesday.
There were 201 reports of laser shinings around Bay Area airports last year, tying the Los Angeles region for the most in the country. The Bay Area incidents made up more than 7 percent of the 2,800 laser shinings reported nationally, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.
"This is a serious safety issue," said U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. "Lasers can distract and harm pilots who are working to get passengers safely to their destinations."
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/01/19/BAIB1HBICU.DTL&feed=rss.bayareaand this:
San Jose man jailed in laser shinings at aircraft(01-26) 08:39 PST SAN JOSE --
A San Jose man was in jail today for allegedly shining a laser at a private plane and a Santa Clara County sheriff's helicopter, authorities said.
Christopher Bengel, 24, aimed a green laser at a private aircraft flying over the area of Story Road and McLaughlin Avenue at about 6:30 p.m. Monday, said Officer Jose Garcia, a San Jose police spokesman.