That guy did not see the 'judged as you judge' aspect of that clip.
Note that what they try to do to the rabbit happens to them. At that point, who becomes the cause of the problem? So the guy observed without knowing why, and falsely attributed the actions to the bunny that the people did to themselves by how they were treating the bunny.
I have also thought about that around the beer and travel money issue, thought alot about that possibility, and tried to find how I treat people, if that could have created that issue, and I find no action by me that could have created that issue or invalidated that due. Although not perfect, there is no explanation for such a condition of lack of proper correction.
Wrote a long article on that. The only real justice is that the rules you make for other people are applied to you, that is setting rules for yourself, but also applied to you. However there are some complexities in that also. For instance if you set a rule, if you have money you should be treated well, you could be saying only if you have what I have alot of then you are treated well. So there are many permutations of those thoughts, but I think alot on those concepts, and how you reach that conclusion.
Same thing with moderation in all things, there is a way to reach that thought by thinking and it makes sense.
And to try and help people many suggestions of how best to treat people, and act are part of many laws and ideas.
And actually this song could be about the idea of karma or judged how you judge, if you think that there is good and bad in everyone. That is an interesting take on things but based on the individual.
Burnin' For You - Blue Oyster Cult note, I actually did not notice the correlation to the comment on people thinking backwards and the story of the hot sun, and the cold from Twilight Zone.
I think I think alot about how I think on things like judgment, that is such a hard thing to think on. Do I make a judgment when I say people think about many topics backwards? I don't think so because it is an observation, and not about a topic, but about how to work through some topics by trying to see other perspectives. But I think on stuff like that to try to find the why of a thought and what it means.