...in U.S. history.
In contrast to every other federal department, all of which require annual subsidies from the federal Treasury, the Social Security Trust Fund has run a surplus for decades, and has loaned $2.2 trillion to the Treasury, in the form of U. S.Treasury bonds.
These loans have financed multiple simultaneous wars, as well as corporate welfare. All of these expenses should have been paid by our (modestly progressive) income tax. Instead, we have had years of unprecedented, artificially low income tax rates for the wealthiest 1% of the population.....financed by the accumulated surpluses of a harshly regressive Payroll and Self-Employment taxes (15.3% from the first dollar, and exempting all earned income over $106,000, and exempting 100% of all capital gains $ interest income).
The bonds held by the SS Trust Fund, just as ALL U.S. bonds, from those held by American children to those held by Saudi sheiks, to those held by the Chinese government, are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States.
To put things in perspective, if the SS Trust Fund runs annual deficits until 2037, it will, doing this entire 27 year period, STILL be a CREDITOR of the Treasury, and doing this entire period be a CREDITOR whose loans to the Treasury artificially low income tax rates for plutocrats than they would have without these loans from the SS Trust Fund.
During this entire 26 year period (from 2011 until 3037), the Social Security system will remain the ONLY federal program to be, not only fiscally responsible, but profitable.
If, after 2037, the S.S. Trust Fund then requires loans from the Treasury for a few decades until the expenses of the baby boomers have subsided, and it STILL have been the most successful, and most FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE program in United States history.
Paul Ryan likes to make snide remarks about "Safety Nets" and "Hammocks", and implies that Social Security benefits are undeserved.
To put things in perspective, Mr. Ryan, honest accounting shows that it is the "hammocks" of the plutocrats that have been, and continue to be, financed by borrowing the surpluses of the payroll taxes of working middle class Americans. Surpluses that have been accumulated through decades of sweaty contributions.
These benefits have been earned.