The 40-Percent President: Obama's Cruise to Reelection
We're at the halfway mark of Barack Obama's first term as president. I say "first term" because I'm confident that this isn't his last. Conservatives will not want to hear this, but I've felt all along that Obama will be a two-term president, and nothing I've seen dispels that notion.
My thinking is grounded primarily in two sets of data.
The first is expressed in the title of this article: 40 percent. President Barack Obama does not dip below 40-percent approval. Period.
Liberals called Ronald Reagan the Teflon President. No matter what Reagan did, nothing undermined his presidency. Well, Barack Obama is the 40-Percent President. No matter what Obama does, nothing undermines his presidency -- or at least nothing drops it below 40-percent approval.
Of course, Reagan achieved record approvals, which is how he was reelected by winning 49 states and taking the Electoral College 525-13. I don't expect Obama to get anywhere near that; his disapproval ratings are too sizable. Of course, Obama doesn't need 525 Electoral votes; he needs only enough to win. is my vote for funniest comment:
Posted by: yougenic
Jan 26, 09:29 AM
Egobama's so called popularity is a hold over from the 2008 election. When people are questioned if they support Ego, like Ego, or consider Ego is doing a good job, whites FEAR the follow up question if they say they disapprove of Egobama. (this is white guilt and recent history in action) That follow up question.... OH! So how long have you been a Racist? The Egobama team - the MEDIA and poll takers - are quick to abuse the race card for their purposes. There a few options available to get at the truth of how voters feel. The Ego team doesn't want the truth. They want to perpetuate their own ideology and release polls that show the entire country thinks as they think.
The recent elections show how American's really feel about Ego. When the are alone in the voting both - away from the follow question - they will vote their conscience and send Egobama to the scrap heap of history's errors in judgment.