Medicare means few doctors will accept you.Home care will end up as an out of pocket for many who cannot afford it(these are often the ones hospitals kick out early). It means vital check ups,before a condition gets out of hand. It means less pain, more dignity to so many in this country. As one who has chronic problems you don't need to face doctor refusals,cutting drugs in half (or all together)on top of your every day nightmare. But you see it. You talk to others who face it and they are afraid. Afraid of constant pain,disease getting out of control, afraid of losing their home,their little savings. They don't want to burden family,friends. They often have few alternatives. Even fewer listen. They hear the news. They hear that our "friends" on capitol Hill say they can't afford to allow the population have the same coverage they do. They make more money then most who need insurance,they seem to be healthier then most who desperately need insurance and yet they have no sympathy for their plight. You hear the song "We have the best health care system in the world." Well yes SOME of us do--they do but they don't want US to get it for fear their premiums might go up. They feel they DESERVE this coverage but for the rest of us it's that ugly word entitlement. Who is asking for a free ride? Who just want to be able to use the same "ticket" they do on this medical merry-go-round.