"Americans should remember and never forget that the Left here repeatedly insists that we go the way of other nations, that the United States should blindly emulate European socialism and cultural habits so that we, too, may follow them over the cliff of societal ruin. It is therefore highly instructive to us in America to observe with great scrutiny what is going on in Europe."
"No, it is plain to see that “equality” is not nearly enough for homosexual activists. Never mind that the basis for equality in any healthy society is based not on behavior but on innate, morally-neutral physical characteristics (sex, skin color, etc). Homosexuals already have the same rights that any person has. But they want special rights, they want the “right” to counterfeit the unique, fundamental and invaluable institution of marriage. They want the “right” to force others to violate their moral and religious principles to accommodate the desires of homosexuals."
http://www.dakotavoice.com/2011/01/homosexual-activists-wage-witch-hunt-on-normalcy/Oh you nutjobs make me laugh! Why are you always crying that you're the ones discriminated against and repressed? Are you all such wimps?