When was the first time you started watching Keith or MSNBC?
I'll go first. For the longest time I got the cheapest cable/sat programming package. This included fox news and cnn but not msnbc. Msnbc was only available with the more expensive packages. (hmm, I wonder why fox has more viewers?)
Well I sold my house in 2004-05 and moved into an apartment temporarily. The apartment forced you to use their cable which was a very expensive package but it included everything.
The night Martha Stewart was getting released from prison, I was laying in bed sort of trying to fall asleep. I had left the tv tuned to whatever news channel had live coverage of Martha Stewart getting released and her motorcade and all of that. It turned out to be msnbc. I believe it was Keith and possibly Chris Matthews amongst maybe some other people covering it. Dan Abrams might have been in the mix too. They were hilarious. Making light of the whole thing. I felt it was kind of a joke because there was so much media coverage and here these guys were that seemed to recognize that the whole thing was stupid yet made it very entertaining to want to stay up and watch. Even though her crime was no laughing matter, the media circus was. I remember laughing my ass off.
I've never seen people on the news say funny things before. I'm used to them saying offensive things, actually. I thought, Wow. I gotta watch this channel more often.
At the time I would have that on while I ate dinner. You know the, Dobbs, Oreilly hour. So by the time I was done, I felt like a worthless piece of garbage but since it was the only thing on, I just sort of believed them after a while. When I switched to MSNBC, I found myself not yelling at the TV as much or feeling like less of a human because of their biased personalities. This was around the time that Fox news was widely gaining notariety for being extremely slanted.
Now it's your turn.