handful of people with very deep pockets operate behind closed doors to attack the gains made by working people and advance their own selfish interests at the expense of our nation’s democracy. The Koch brothers are among them.
This weekend, as billionaires David and Charles Koch convene a meeting of 200 massively wealthy business and conservative activists for the eighth straight year, the nonprofit watchdog group Common Cause is holding series of counter events.
““Uncloaking the Kochs: The Billionaires’ Caucus and Its Threat to Our Democracy,” will include a Jan. 30 panel disucussion followed by a rally outside the Rancho Las Palmas resort in Rancho Mirage, Calif., where the Kochs & Co. are meeting. The panel will be live streamed. To sign up, click here.
Panelists include former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, Center for American Progress Senior Fellow Van Jones, Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the law school at the University of California-Irvine, Lee Fang, investigative journalist at the Center for American Progress and DeAnn McEwen, co-President of theThe California Nurses Association/National Nurses United (CNA/NNU).
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