"Congressman Ryan and his staff recently provided specifications for a proposal that would
substantially change federal payments under the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Although an
extensive analysis of that proposal is not feasible in the time available, CBO has conducted a
preliminary analysis of its major provisions—the results of which are summarized here.
Key Features of the Proposal
People who turn 65 in 2021 or later years would not enroll in the current Medicare program
but instead would receive a voucher with which to purchase private health insurance..."
Alice Rivlin Wants to Cut Social Security So John Boehner Can Spend It On Wars Jane Hamsher
"Alice Rivlin is the chief wonk appointed by President Obama to the debt commission, and has long supported cutting Social Security benefits as a way to address the country’s financial woes..
Quelle coincidence. Rivlin and Boehner both support raising the retirement age, “fixing” the COLA, and reducing benefits for those who are “more affluent” (sounds like Alan Simpson’s “Lexus driving retirees in gated communities”) .
In testimony last year before the House Budget Committee (chaired by fellow deficit commission member John Spratt), Alice Rivlin said that “projections of the federal budget show rapidly rising spending over the next several decades attributable to three major entitlement programs; namely, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.” (PDF) Because “rapidly rising debt threaten our credibility as sound fiscal managers,” Rivlin told the committee that:
It will take some combination of several much-discussed marginal changes: raising the retirement age gradually in the future (and then indexing it to longevity), raising the cap on the payroll tax, fixing the COLA, and modifying the indexing of initial benefits so they grow more slowly for more affluent people.
According to the Urban Institute, raising the retirement age would push an estimated 1.5 million senior citizens into poverty.
Rivlin appeared on the notorious CNBC segment where Peterson Institute head David Walker spoke longingly about the return of debtors’ prisons. On that segment, Rivlin reiterated her support for reducing benefits to those with higher incomes..."